Friday, September 12, 2008

Island living peace on the shores of a Caribbean island, I'm noting to all that love, living and internal enlightenment with according peace can be attained...

Why, for all not here, not able ta reach the nervarna I'll carry on;

We are the change we want to be...!

no less that a few decades since Ghandis death, we stil live amongst power controlling elites who would rob us of any freedoms and lifes liberties.

Keep on believing that as individuals and peoples we have visions beyond the visual horizons. We are free if we want to be. What if advanced exotic technologies really existed and where available to we seeking them? What if we could live in a mentally free paradise, also spiritually truly free to express the deeper love experienced by the universal connection?

We are there! In this last soon to be completed decade we are living close to real disclosure than ever before. To what end we do realise these exciting times?

To the place that we all knew existed, the place where dreams of free energy and exciting advanced technology existed, to the place where guardians of the age of innocence stood and proetected our right to exist to live freely in respect, with our universal one-love heritage and freedom of expression, demonstrating intelligence, insight and our universally given wisdoms...

...Disclosure an alluring word.

The powers that be, telling all that could be told, the truths of a centenery of deceit and coverups. We are on the threshold of that horizon. How are we to be prepared for so many mind expanding truths regarding our true past, our anscestory and all the many realms of the deapths of knowledge?

...Many of we are probably as prepared for that as we can be, for any ready for that mental awakening; For all those wanting to be... the answer has always been simple, how much and badly do you want to see change? Real peace, real love, real living and simply put, real freedom exist on this planet and in your lives?

How much?

That question is yours to answer and in the answering of that, lays the key to the future...

Be the change you want to see - Ghandi.

It needs not to be said that a simple change in everyone will push forward the unanimous want.

Do you see yet the change you want to see? Do you want free energy technologies abounding and flourishing in peace loving peoples? A world without OIL monopolies and free of energy polluting substitutes for natures best?

Push forward, uplift the veil and open the sealed door to this universe, it's waiting (Just a short while)...

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